CTF Meets Finance Minister to Present 2002/03 Pre-Budget Recommendations
Prebudget Submission
WINNIPEG: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation will meet with Finance Minister Greg Selinger this morning to present the CTF's findings and recommendations for the 2002/03 Manitoba Budget.
The theme of this year's pre-budget submission is "playing catch-up with Saskatchewan," a province similar to Manitoba in many respects but unique in terms of the more competitive income tax rates posted last year. The CTF is also pressing the province to follow Saskatchewan's lead and announce the elimination of bracket creep by fully indexing tax brackets and credits to inflation.
"Keeping up with the Jones's, in this case Saskatchewan, is not a petty rivalry but a necessary first step to develop competitive taxes in Manitoba," said Victor Vrsnik, CTF provincial director. "Otherwise, a hostile business environment will miss out on new investment opportunities and jobs, or worse, precipitate the threat of other business relocations like the MCI case."
The CTF will caution the Finance Minister not to cave into MCI's request for a bailout so as not to set the precedent of failing businesses lining up for handouts.
Driven by the results last year's CTF membership survey results, the pre-budget submission finds that low confidence in provincial tax rates to spur business development has inspired members to press for income tax relief first, followed by gasoline tax, PST and education tax cuts, in that order.
The CTF will press for property tax reform by calling for the elimination of the provincial education support levy.
CTF Pre-Budget 2002/03 Recommendations:
Income tax Relief
Spending Restraint
Property Taxes
Balanced Budget:
Is Canada Off Track?
Canada has problems. You see them at gas station. You see them at the grocery store. You see them on your taxes.
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